New Students

Mic Léinn Nua

Annual Admissions Notice

Admissions Notice 2025-26.pdf

How do I enrol my child?


      Application form maybe downloaded from our school website (

Why choose Ballycroneen?

Ballycroneen National School strives to create a positive learning environment for its pupils to thrive and reach their full potential. With this in mind Ballycroneen N.S. has a lot to offer your child. 

Application for Admission 2025-2026

Application for Admission 2025-26.pdf

Application for Admission 2024-2025

Application for Admission 2024-25.pdf

Admissions Policy

18475A FINAL Ballycroneen NS Admission Policy November 2020.docx.pdf

Parental Involvement 

Home – School – Community links are very important to us.  There are so many occasions throughout the year – i.e. Grandparents’ Day; Friendship Fortnight; Daffodil Day etc. when parents and the wider community can get involved with school activities, and we very much welcome and encourage these occasions.

Supporting your child's transition from pre-school to primary school

Supporting your child's transition from preschool to primary school.pdf

Transitioning to Primary School: O.T tips and strategies
